
How to be a d*ck at a presentation

1) Translate some slides that a colleague gave you a few minutes before going live.
2) *try* to speak in engrish, using the excuse that you're rusty in engrish, that it's also an excuse for the spelling errors on your slides, and that it's also an excuse for all of this.
3) Skip some slides by the middle, not saying anything about them.
4) Name your slides "case study of arsys.es", but at the Q&A, when asked about were's the case study, just say that you weren't that involved at the project.
5) Work for a company called ozona.

Next time learn something from the guys from Microsoft or EMC.

All of this @2009.cloudviews.org

PS: I should be an antropologist, just love to decypher people.
PS2: Neither the Microsft guy or the EMC guy needed a *suit* to tell other what they were capable of. Funny they were the only ones in *jeans*. I bet they were some levi's!

1 comentário:

Arroz Xau Xau disse...

Oh Professor Pardal, deixe-me só dizer-lhe uma coisinha: há por ai muito burro com chapéu. Certo? Agora, também é verdade que lá por sermos bem mais inteligentes que os burros não precisamos de nos vestir como pelintras. Certo? Então e para não perdermos mais tempo em conversas: quando é que vais comprar roupa?